1st - 6th Grade
Children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right. “Honor your father and mother,” which is the first commandment with promise: “that it may be well with you, and you may live long on the earth.” And you, fathers, do not provoke your children to wrath, but bring them up in the training and admonition of the Lord.
~Ephesians 6:1-4

Elementary students (Kindergarten through 6th grades) are taught with BJU Press materials. We have found these materials to be best suited for our high academic standards.
Daily Bible lessons offer students the chance to learn the fundamentals of God's Word. In chapel we sing songs together and hear guest speakers teach a lesson from Scripture.
Classroom time is a combination of hands-on activities, independent desk work, and class exercises to reinforce the learning of each subject area. We strive to provide a fun and challenging learning environment. We also provide students with an opportunity to "get the wiggles out" with either two recess times, or a combination of one recess and PE class outside (as long as the weather cooperates).
Our elementary students have many opportunities for "special events". Such events include our annual Christian Schools of Vermont Academic Testing and Spelling Bee (4th - 6th grades) where students challenge each other in the areas of English, Math, Science, Old and New Testament, and Spelling. Other events include State notebooks (6th grade), field trips, and a Christmas and Spring program.
We offer Art, Music, PE, Technology (1st through 5th grades) and Typing (6th grade).
In the interest of training students with a well-rounded outlook on life, we encourage all students to participate in church activities, family activities, and various school activities. Students have opportunities to participate in school plays and programs, academic competitions, class trips, field trips, and other activities that will help facilitate a well-rounded Christian education.
We encourage teaching techniques that produce:
Problem-solving skills
Logic/critical thinking
Taking responsibility for self-learning
Teamwork and collaboration
Effective writing and communication skills
Accessing and analyzing information
Curiosity and imagination