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Senior High

9th - 12th Grade

But as for you, continue in what you have learned and have firmly believed, knowing from whom you learned it and how from childhood you have been acquainted with the sacred writings, which are able to make you wise for salvation through faith in Christ Jesus.

2 Timothy 3:14-15


Senior High (9th - 12th grades) classes primarily use BJU Press materials as we have found these materials to be best suited for our high academic standards.

Bible classes cover a variety of Scriptural topics and are designed to challenge our students to mature in their walk with Christ, and to increase their understanding of God's Word.  During chapel service, the students sing together and hear a timely message from Scripture.

Core classes are rigorous and challenging.  Students are given instruction in each subject area and provided time to exercise their new knowledge through practice and application.  We strive to challenge each student at their own level of skill to encourage growth and build strength.

Trinity offers elective classes that differ each year, and the opportunity to serve as Teacher's Aid.  Trinity also is offering additional elective opportunities through online independent study.  This is an exciting opportunity for Trinity students to access more subject areas of interest to them while developing the skills needed to access learning throughout their lives.

Our graduation requirements and high school classes are college-preparatory and designed to give our graduating seniors a solid foundation on which they can enter the next stage of their education.

In the interest of training students with a well-rounded outlook upon life, we encourage all students to participate in church activities, family activities, and various school activities.  Extra-curricular school activities involve athletic competition in co-ed soccer, and boys and girls basketball.  Music activities feature choir and vocal ensembles, along with hand chimes.  Students also have opportunities to participate in special events such as Fine Arts and Academic Competition, School Camp, field trips, and Christmas, Easter, and Spring programs.  Juniors and seniors have the additional opportunities of the Junior-Senior Banquet and a Senior Mission Trip.  All of these excellent activities help facilitate a well-rounded Christian education.


Senior High Courses

  • Accounting

  • Algebra I & II

  • Anatomy

  • Bible

  • Biblical Greek

  • Biblical Worldview

  • Biology

  • English

  • Chemistry

  • Computer Applications

  • Consumer Math

  • Physical Science

  • Geography

  • Geometry

  • Government

  • Music

  • Pre-Calculus

  • Study Skills

  • World History


Graduation Requirements

The minimum requirements for graduation from TBS are:

4 credits.......Bible
4 credits.......English
4 credits.......Social Studies
3 credits.......Science
3 credits........Math
2 credits.......Foreign Language
½ credit........Speech
½ credit........Computer Applications
3 credits.......Electives
24 credits.....Total for Graduation

All juniors must have permission from the administration before being designated a senior.

Graduation Policy

TBS offers a four-year high school program and requires that students attend all four years.  Exceptions may be made for transfer students who have their transcripts evaluated against TBS requirements and approved by the school board.

TBS students may transfer in three additional credits for high school graduation from a BJU Press course. No more than one credit per discipline will be accepted towards graduation requirements.

Juniors and Seniors at Trinity Baptist School may choose to take “Dual Enrollment Courses” from approved sources. Dual Enrollment Courses allow the students to complete high school credit requirements while beginning to accrue credits for college. All courses must be approved by the Trinity Baptist School Board before the actual work begins on a course in order for the student to receive proper credit on the high school transcript. It is the position of the TBS administration that students should first look for Dual Enrollment Classes at Christian colleges and universities to ensure that the doctrinal and philosophical positions of the classes to be taken are in line with position of TBS.


On the years that a senior trip to the Wilds Christian Camp and Conference Center in North Carolina is scheduled, all seniors are required to attend.  


The ACT Assessment is also required for graduation.

Seniors who have not recently moved to the area must complete at least twelve credits at Trinity Baptist School to be issued a diploma.


Please refer to the Student Handbook for more details and information.

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